Pop Pink Drums
Virtual Instrument – Drum Designed For Pop Punk / Rock Music
Featuring the signature sound of Hafizhjoys, created to assist musicians and music producers in the creative process, making music production fast and efficient.
Sound Demo
✅ Room
✅ Tube Drive
✅ Splash
✅ Chinese Cymbal
✅ Velocity Humanize
✅ Fresh Sounds Sample
If Cannot Find Any Instruments, Click Here
if Plugin is Damaged and Can’t be opened, Click Here
- Mac OS X (64-bit only)
VST, AU - Windows (32/64-bit)
- Mac OS X 10.15 (latest update), i5
- Windows 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit) Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
- 4 GB RAM Minimum
- 30mb for POP PINK DRUMS
Damaged and Can’t be opened? Check This Out :
Cannot find any instruments? Check This Out :
Review Pop Pink Drums from YGImusic using FL Studio, Check This Out :
Review Pop Pink Drums from SobaStudio using Cubase, Check This Out :
Review Pop Pink Drums from Vision Records using Cubase, Check This Out :
Review Pop Pink Drums from MekaTM using Studio One, Check This Out :
Ta tester duluu…
Thanks for this! It sounds pretty decent but it is annoying that the ring of the snare alternates between 2 notes. Maybe this could be changed with an update?
thankyou for using Pop Pink Drums. Stay tuned to keep up with the updates to the latest version!
Hello, those drums are great, I can flow very well with them, but I have a question, the drum map for the piano roll, at first it is difficult to find and differentiate some sounds, I am now more fluid but I like the drum map.
I’m experiencing a bug with this plugin on Windows 10, Bitwig 5.0.4 where when I open pop pink drums the interface shows pop pink bass instead. i tried telling you in person, but the discord link on your webpage is broken and when i texted you on insta, insta claimed the messages could not be sent, so there was no other choice as to write this as a review. i’ll take it back when the issue is fixed
Thank you for downloading Pop Pink Drums & Bass. I think you need to separate the files Pop Pink Drums.mse & Pop Pink Bass.mse. Don’t place them in the same folder.
To make it easier, you can first delete the .mse files and then reinstall them separately (in their respective folders).
hi. having trouble installing. ableton not detecting the pop pink drums vst or vst 3 plugin even if it was installed in the proper folders. it’s not showing up as a recognized VST. pop pink bass is being detected but pop pink drums is not.
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Thanks a lot for your work, these drums sound nice and mix-ready!
Do you have any plan to add a third tom to the set?
Hi, Thx for making a free drum plugin!
Can you put more infos about the kit on this page ?
The number of samples / round robin / velocities layers ?
This would be highly appreciated